🐞 Write tests for creating a Post with Livewire and Pest

Here's an example of a Pest test to test the correct creation of a post using Livewire and Pest:

use App\Http\Livewire\CreatePost; 
use App\Models\Post; 
use Livewire\Livewire; 
use function Pest\Livewire\livewire; 

it('can create a post', function () { 
  // Arrange 
  $postData = [ 'title' => 'Test Post', 'content' => 'This is a test post', ]; 
  // Act
   livewire(CreatePost::class) ->set('title', $postData['title']) ->set('content', $postData['content']) ->call('createPost'); // Assert $this->assertTrue(Post::where($postData)->exists()); 

In this test, we're using the livewire function provided by Pest to simulate a Livewire component interaction. We first define the data that we want to submit for creating a post. Then, we use the livewire function to instantiate the CreatePost Livewire component. We set the title and content properties of the component using the set method, and then we call the createPost method on the component using the call method. Finally, we assert that a post with the given data exists in the database using the assertTrue assertion. Make sure to adjust the namespaces and class names according to your application's structure. Remember to install Pest and Livewire dependencies before running the test. You can find more information about Pest and Livewire in their official documentation: - Pest: https://pestphp.com/ - Livewire: https://laravel-livewire.com/