Hello, fellow coders! Today, we're going to explore some advanced techniques in Pest, a PHP testing framework known for its simplicity and elegance. Let's dive in!
Higher-Order Tests
Pest allows us to write higher-order tests, which can simplify our test cases. Here's an example:
<?php it('has home page') ->get('/') ->assertStatus(200) ->assertSee('Home');
In this example, we're chaining methods to perform multiple assertions in a single test case.
Using Datasets
Datasets allow us to test different input variations. Here's how you can use them:
<?php dataset('truthyValues', [true, 1, '1']); it('is truthy', function ($value) { $this->assertTrue($value); })->with('truthyValues');
In this example, we're testing multiple truthy values using a single test case.
Mocking Dependencies
Pest also provides built-in mocking capabilities. Here's an example:
<?php it('can mock dependencies', function () { $mock = mock(SomeClass::class, function ($mock) { $mock->shouldReceive('someMethod')->andReturn('mocked value'); }); $this->assertEquals('mocked value', $mock->someMethod()); });
In this example, we're mocking a method in SomeClass to return a specific value. Running Tests in Parallel For faster feedback, Pest allows us to run tests in parallel. You can do this by adding the --parallel option when running your tests:
./vendor/bin/pest --parallel
And that's it! These are just a few advanced techniques you can use with Pest. For more information, check out the official Pest documentation (Pest PHP). Happy coding! 🎈