Advanced Component Design in Vue.js 3 🚀
Hello, fellow developers! Today I'm going to share a friendly tutorial on how to design advanced Vue.js 3 components. If you've already dipped your toes into the world of Vue, and are looking to up your game, stick with me!
1️⃣ Set Up Your Environment
To begin with, we'll need to set up our environment with Vue 3. We have a few options here including Vue CLI and Vite, but for this demonstration, we'll use Vite.
First, ensure you have the latest version of Node.js and npm installed on your machine. Need help? Check out their official site.
Once you're all set, run the following command in your terminal:
npm init @vitejs/app vue3-advanced-components --template vue
This will create a new Vue 3 project using vite with the name "vue3-advanced-components".
Sit back and relax while npm does its thing! 😎
2️⃣ Create Your First Advanced Component
With our project set up, we can start creating our first advanced component. I'm guessing you already know your way around Vue components if you're reading this.
Now, navigate to the 'src' directory in your new Vue project and let's kick off by creating a new component named 'AdvancedComponent.vue'.
Just paste the code into your terminal:
touch src/components/AdvancedComponent.vue
And voila! We've brought our 'AdvancedComponent.vue' component into existence. 😁
In my next blog post, we will dive into this AdvancedComponent
and start writing some advanced Vue.js 3 code. Stay tuned!
And remember - if you want to dig deeper into Vue.js 3 components, Vue.js docs is an excellent resource. But, always remember the world of technology moves fast, links might get outdated quickly! 🌪
That's it for now. Happy Coding! 🚀