Mastering Multi-Step Forms in Laravel Livewire: A Comprehensive Guide for Web Developers

Intro to Laravel Livewire and Multi-Step Forms 🚀

Hello fellow coders! 😃 Laravel Livewire allows you to build modern, reactive, dynamic interfaces using Laravel Blade, while keeping the convenience of a full-stack framework.

One of the common use-cases for Laravel Livewire is to handle multi-step forms. These forms are everywhere nowadays, especially when large data input is required. They help make the user-experience cleaner and more straightforward. Today, I'm going to show you how to master multi-step forms in Laravel Livewire.

The technologies we are going to need for this task are:

  • Laravel
  • Livewire
  • Tailwind CSS for styling (Optional)

Let's Start Coding 💻

Step 1: Install Laravel Livewire

First, we need to install Laravel Livewire via Composer. Run the following command in your terminal:

composer require livewire/livewire

Step 2: Create Livewire Components

We will create a Livewire component for each step of our form. For instance, if we have three steps, we'll need three components. Let's create our first component.

php artisan make:livewire StepOne

This command will generate two files: app/Http/Livewire/StepOne.php and resources/views/livewire/step-one.blade.php.

Repeat for each additional step.

Step 3: Manage Steps 🚶

Now we have to manage steps within our application. In each component, we need to define a method like submit(). This method will handle data processing and navigating to the next step.

Here is an example for the first step:

public function submit()

    $this->dispatch('goToStep', 2);

And similar code for the second step:

public function submit()

    $this->dispatch('goToStep', 3);

Step 4: Build the Multi-Step Form

To build the multi-step form, we need to create a parent component that will manage the steps and handle the navigation between them. Let's call it MultiStepForm.

php artisan make:livewire MultiStepForm

In the MultiStepForm component, we need to define a property to keep track of the current step and a method to handle the step navigation.

public $currentStep = 1;

public function goToStep($step)
    $this->currentStep = $step;

Next, we need to include the step components in the MultiStepForm component's view. For each step, we'll use the livewire directive to render the corresponding step component.

    @if($currentStep === 1)
        <livewire:step-one />
    @elseif($currentStep === 2)
        <livewire:step-two />
    @elseif($currentStep === 3)
        <livewire:step-three />

Finally, we need to listen for the goToStep event emitted by the step components and update the current step accordingly.

public function goToStep($step)
    $this->currentStep = $step;

That's it! Now you have a multi-step form built with Laravel Livewire.

Conclusion 👏

And that is how we create multi-step forms with Laravel Livewire! As you've learned, this is a powerful and straightforward tool for managing complex user interfaces.

Hope you found this guide useful! Please don't hesitate to share or ask if you have any questions. Happy coding, folks! 😊

Useful Links 🌐

Please keep in mind that technology evolves quickly and some of these links may become outdated over time. If you encounter any issue, don't hesitate to leave a comment and ask for help. I'll do my best to update and help as best as I can.