Mastering Vuex for State Management in Vue.js 3: A Guide for Web Developers

Hey there, passionate web developers! 👋 Today, I have a treat for you, especially if you love Vue.js like I do. We are going to delve into Vuex, which is a state management pattern + library for Vue.js applications. Let's make our journey towards mastering Vuex! 😎

Pinia is now the new default The official state management library for Vue has changed to Pinia. Pinia has almost the exact same or enhanced API as Vuex 5, described in Vuex 5 RFC. You could simply consider Pinia as Vuex 5 with a different name. Pinia also works with Vue 2.x as well. Vuex 3 and 4 will still be maintained. However, it's unlikely to add new functionalities to it. Vuex and Pinia can be installed in the same project. If you're migrating existing Vuex app to Pinia, it might be a suitable option. However, if you're planning to start a new project, we highly recommend using Pinia instead.

What is Vuex?

Vuex serves as the centralized store for all the components in an application. It assures that the state can only be mutated in a predictable fashion. This is particularly beneficial when dealing with complex, large-scale applications, as it keeps code neat and maintainable. 👌

Right now, you might be wondering, "Why should I use Vuex?" Well, if you've ever had multiple components sharing the same state, you will understand the importance of having a single source of truth. That's exactly what Vuex gives you, ensuring that your state management is flawless! 🌟

Now, let's get our hands dirty and dive into some code snippets. Here, we'll be using Vue.js 3 and Vuex 4.


Firstly, we need to install Vuex in our Vue.js project. You can add Vuex to your project by using npm as shown in the following command:

npm install vuex@next --save

Setting up Vuex Store

Setting up a Vuex Store is straightforward, but we have to be careful to separate our application's state, mutations, actions, and getters.

Here's a small illustration:

import { createStore } from 'vuex';

export default createStore({
  state: {
    count: 0  
  mutations: {
    increment (state) {
  actions: {
    increment (context) {
  getters: {
    count: state => state.count

In this basic setup, we have a state variable count, a mutation increment, an action that commits the mutation, and a getter to retrieve the state value. Simple, isn't it? 😄

Connecting Vuex Store with Vue Application

Last but not least, we must tell our Vue application to use our new Vuex Store.

import { createApp } from 'vue';
import store from './store';
import App from './App.vue';


And Voila! We’ve successfully integrated Vuex into our Vue.js 3 application. 🎉

To conclude, Vuex serves as a powerful tool when developing large scale Vue.js applications by helping manage state in a predictable manner. Remember, Vuex is not a necessity for every Vue application but it can speed up your development process and makes your code cleaner and easier to debug when dealing with complex state.

Keep practicing and keep exploring! Happy coding, folks! 👨‍💻✌️

Note: The field of web development continues to evolve rapidly. The links below are good references for deeper understanding, but bear in mind that they might be outdated because technology progresses at an impressive pace.


  1. Official Vuex Documentation - Your go-to resource to explore everything Vuex.
  2. Vue.js 3 Documentation - Contains a wealth of knowledge on Vue.js 3.
  3. NPM Vuex Package - Provides instructions on how to install Vuex using npm.