"Unveiling the Magic of Vue.js 3: A Deep Dive into the Composition API 👨‍💻

Hello there, coding comrades! 👋 As a Senior Full Stack developer, I've been privileged to work with various programming languages and frameworks, and Vue.js has always been one of my favorites. In this article, we're going to explore the new Composition API in Vue.js 3. 🔍

To keep things simple and engaging, we will start with an introduction to the Composition API, followed by step by step guide on how to use it. Let's dive in!

What is Vue.js Composition API? 🤔

In essence, the Composition API in Vue.js 3 is a new way to organize your code and manage state in Vue.js components. It provides reactivity and composition features that allow developers to easily reuse code and manage complex logic in larger applications. In short, it's a more efficient way to deal with intricate logic in your Vue.js components.

Getting Started 🚀

Before we get into the code, make sure you have Vue.js installed on your machine. You can install it using the following command:

npm install -g @vue/cli

Next, let's create a new project using Vue CLI:

vue create my-project

Your terminal will guide you through the rest of the setup process.

Let's Write Some Code! 👨‍💻

Step 1: Add a ref using the Composition API

Creating a ref is pretty straightforward. Here's a simplified component that uses a ref:

    <button @click="increment">Click me</button> 
    <p>Count: {{ count }}</p>

import { ref } from 'vue'

export default {
  setup() {
    const count = ref(0)
    function increment() {

    return {

In the code above, we're importing the ref method from 'vue', using it to create a reactive variable count, and incrementing the value of count by one each time the button is clicked.

Step 2: Use Multiple refs to Manage Complex Logic

We can also combine multiple refs to manage complex logic. Here's an example:

    <button @click="increment">Click me</button>
    <p>Count: {{ count }}</p>
    <p>Double count: {{ double }}</p>

import { ref, computed } from 'vue'

export default {
  setup() {
    const count = ref(0)
    const double = computed(() => count.value * 2)
    function increment() {

    return { count, double, increment }

In this code, we add a computed property double which is always twice the value of count. This is an example of how we can compose logic using the Composition API.

That's all for now, folks! 🎉 I hope that this blog post helped you understand the basics of the new Vue.js Composition API. Remember, practice makes perfect so keep on coding!

For more detailed insights, you can refer to the official Vue.js Composition API guide or Vue Mastery's "Composition API Cheat Sheet". Remember that links can get outdated rapidly as technology evolves, so always be on the lookout for the latest documentation.

Until the next code review, Happy Coding! 👋👩‍💻


  1. Vue.js
  2. Vue.js Composition API
  3. Vue Mastery's "Composition API Cheat Sheet"