Bite-Sized Reads
Short and sweet reads that take less than 10 minutes of your busy day!
Why Full Stack Developers Need to Know AI
In the past, developers may have been able to get away with not knowing much about artificial intelligence (AI). However, things have changed and developers now need to have at least a basic understanding of AI in order to create applications that take advantage of the latest AI advancements.
Advanced Techniques for Effective unit Testing with Pest
Unit testing is a vital part of developing high-quality software. Pest is a powerful tool that can help you write better unit tests. In this article, we'll explore some advanced techniques for using Pest to improve your unit tests.
The Future of Work: Automation, Artificial Intelligence, and the Job Market
The Future of Work: Automation, Artificial Intelligence, and the Job Market
The Benefits of Automated Testing
1. Automated testing can help you save time and money. 2. Automated testing can improve the accuracy of your test results. 3. Automated testing can help you catch bugs early. 4. Automated testing can make your job easier.
The Puffed Wheatfill Galpin: php Testing with Pest: World's
The Puffed Wheatfill Galpin: php Testing with Pest: World's #1 Bug detection tool
Integrating AI into Your Fullstack Web Development Workflow
If you're a web developer, there's a good chance you're using some form of AI in your workflow - whether it's a simple chatbot on your website or a more complex machine learning algorithm powering your search engine. However, if you're not using AI, you may be missing out on some of the benefits it can offer. In this post, we'll explore how AI can be integrated into your fullstack web development workflow to make your life easier and your work more efficient. We'll also look at some of the tools and services that can help you do this.
Not Just for Big Business - A guide to using AI for small businesses
Yes, AI is often thought of as something that is only used by big businesses. But did you know that AI can actually be quite helpful for small businesses too? In this guide, we will show you how AI can be used for small businesses. You may be wondering how AI can be used for small businesses. After all, AI is often thought of as something that is only used by big businesses. But the truth is, AI can actually be quite helpful for small businesses too. In this guide, we will show you how AI can be used for small businesses. Some of the benefits of using AI for small businesses include: 1. Automating repetitive tasks: Imagine never having to do the same task over and over again. That’s what AI can do for you. By automating repetitive tasks, you can free up your time to focus on other things. 2. Improving customer service: AI can be used to improve customer service
22 Laravel and VueJS features you should know
The 22 Laravel and VueJS features that you should know are: 1. Laravel's Blade templating language 2. VueJS' single-file components 3. Laravel's Eloquent ORM 4. VueJS' reactive data binding 5. Laravel'sQuery Builder 6. VueJS' Vue Router 7. Laravel's Job Queues 8. VueJS' Vuex state management 9. Laravel's Dusk browser testing 10. VueJS' server-side rendering 11. Laravel's event broadcasting 12. VueJS' file-based component structure 13. Laravel's focus on developer experience 14. VueJS' Laravel Mix 15. Laravel's access to the great PHP ecosystem 16. VueJS' composable components
Separation of concerns between the front-end and back-end.
Title: Making API Calls from Frontend to Backend using JavaScript's `fetch` Function.
The code snippet demonstrates how to make an API call from the frontend to the backend using JavaScript's `fetch` function. The response is then converted to JSON format and any errors are handled using the `catch` function. It's important for junior fullstack web developers to ensure that their frontend and backend code are properly connected and communicating with each other using APIs.
Organizing Code into Reusable Components for Junior Fullstack Web Developers
Organize code into reusable components. An example of a reusable component in React is a Button component that takes in two props: text and onClick. This component can be reused throughout the application whenever a button is needed. To use the component, import it and pass in the necessary props. Reusable components can save time and effort in fullstack web development projects.